Online Enrollment

How do I enroll online?

To enroll online, simply fill out the online enrollment form. We require the business owner or company authorized officer to authorize the enrollment. Once enrolled, this person can then set up additional Users as needed.

What accounts can I enroll online?

You can enroll all of your business credit card accounts with a single online enrollment form.

How many business credit card accounts can I enroll online?

You can enroll your company's business credit card account and at that time, you can also enroll the individual cardholder's accounts, belonging to the company. You will need your company's unique Tax ID to enroll.

Who will need to authorize my online enrollment?

An authorized officer for your company will have to sign the paperwork for that company.

What happens after I fill out the online enrollment form?

Once you complete and submit the online enrollment form, enrollment paperwork is generated. This paperwork contains information regarding the companies you have requested to be set up online and the user information for the Administrator requesting online access. Please print this enrollment paperwork and obtain authorized signatures in the areas indicated on the form. You can either mail or fax the completed paperwork to us. Our Online Representatives will process the enrollment for you. You will receive a response from us (via the preferred method of notification you chose) in two to three business days to let you know the enrollment is complete, or if we need any additional information. When you are notified of your completed enrollment, you may start using this website.

Note: If you experience a problem while printing the enrollment paperwork or if you do not have a printer to print the form, call an Online Representative at 1-800-853-9586, between 7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. CT, Monday through Friday and we can help you with this.

Do I have to send in separate online enrollment forms in order to grant other Users access?

No. Once your enrollment is complete and you have been granted access to the site, as an Administrator, you have the ability to add as many Users as you want. You can even decide what accounts and permissions you want to give to each of your additional Users. To learn more about setting up additional Users, read our FAQs on Managing Additional Users.