366 - -129333
How We Will Calculate Your Balance: We use a method called “average daily balance (including new purchases)”.
Index And When It Is Determined: The Index used to determine your variable APRs is the U.S. Prime Rate shown in the “Money Rates” section of The Wall Street Journal on the last day the rate is published in each
calendar month (the “determination date”). The above APRs are based on an Index (Prime Rate) of 7.50% as of the 12/31/2024 determination date. If the Prime Rate is higher or lower on a later determination date,
the above APRs may increase or decrease accordingly.
When you become a cardmember, the Index will be effective for the entire billing cycle that ends in the second month after the determination date. For example, if your billing cycle ends in July, we will use the Index
determined on the last day the rate is published in The Wall Street Journal in May.
APR for Purchases and Balance Transfers: To determine the variable APR for purchases and balance transfers, we add a margin of 18.24% to 21.74% to the Index (Prime Rate).
APR for Cash Advances: To determine the variable APR for cash advances, we add a margin of 21.74% to the Index (Prime Rate).
How We Will Calculate Your Minimum Payment: If your New Balance is less than $40, the minimum payment will be equal to your New Balance. If your New Balance is $40 or greater, the minimum payment
will be the greater of (a) 2% of the New Balance or $40, whichever is larger; or (b) the current cycle fees and nance charges (except balance transfer fees) plus 1% of the New Balance (excluding current cycle
fees and nance charges). Your minimum payment will also include any amount (i) past due and (ii) necessary to reduce your balance to your credit limit. Calculations will exclude disputed amounts. Balance
transfer fees will be part of your Balance Transfers Balance Category, unless we specify otherwise.
We will begin charging interest on cash advances and balance transfers on the transaction date.
Your account will generally have monthly billing cycles. However, your rst billing cycle may be more or less than one month.
IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING CHANGES IN TERMS. We may change the APRs, rates, fees, costs, and other terms of your account subject to, and as allowed by, applicable law.
Payments on your account will be generally applied as follows: (a) the minimum payment amount will be applied to balances with the lowest APRs before balances with higher APRs; and (b) any amount you pay in excess
of the minimum payment will be applied to balances with the highest APRs before balances with lower APRs.
BALANCE TRANSFERS: You authorize us to make each balance transfer you request. Each company you request us to pay and each balance transfer request may be treated as a separate balance transfer transaction.
Each balance transfer is subject to our approval and we are not liable if we do not make any balance transfer you request. We reserve the right to make balance transfers in the order we select and to limit the amount of
the balance transfers that we make (this amount may be less than your total credit limit). If you ask for a balance transfer and we do not approve the full amount, we may either pay only part of the amount you asked for
or decline your request. You may not transfer balances from other accounts you have with us or our related companies. In addition, we may not process a balance transfer request if it is incomplete, illegible or written to
cash. Each balance transfer is subject to applicable fees and nance charges and does not have the benet of an interest-free (grace) period.
Please consider the following when asking for a balance transfer: (a) To protect your rights, you should not transfer any amount that you dispute, (b) you should continue to make all payments due on the other accounts
until you receive notice from them that they have been paid in full, (c) you are liable for any late payments, nance charges or disputed amounts on your other accounts, and (d) if you want your other accounts closed
following a balance transfer, you are responsible for doing so.
CREDIT REPORTS: By applying for this account, you agree that FNBO may obtain credit reports for purposes of processing your application and for later purposes related to your account such as reviewing, updating
and renewing it, increasing the credit line and collecting. If you request, you will be informed of whether or not a credit report was requested and of the name and address of the consumer reporting agency that furnished
the report. You also authorize FNBO to verify your employment, income and other relevant information.
NOTICE TO CARDMEMBERS AND AUTHORIZED USERS: We may report information about your account to credit bureaus. Late payments, missed payments, or other defaults on your account may be reected in
your credit report.
IMPORTANT INFORMATION ABOUT PROCEDURES FOR OPENING A NEW ACCOUNT: To help the government ght the funding of terrorism and money laundering activities, Federal law requires all nancial
institutions to obtain, verify, and record information that identies each person who opens an account.
What this means for you: When you open an account, we will ask for your name, address, date of birth, and other information that will allow us to identify you. We may also ask to see your driver’s license or other identifying
Married applicants may apply for separate accounts in their own names.
OHIO RESIDENTS: The Ohio laws against discrimination require that all creditors make credit equally available to all creditworthy customers, and that credit reporting agencies maintain separate credit histories on each
individual upon request. The Ohio Civil Rights Commission administers compliance with this law.
Interest Rates and Interest Charges
Annual Percentage Rate (APR) for
25.74% to 29.24% when you open your account, based on your creditworthiness. This APR will vary with the market based on the Prime Rate.
APR for Balance Transfers
25.74% to 29.24% based on your creditworthiness. This APR will vary with the market based on the Prime Rate.
APR for Cash Advances
29.24%. This APR will vary with the market based on the Prime Rate.
Penalty APR and When it Applies
How to Avoid Paying Interest on
Your due date is at least 21 days after the close of each billing cycle. We will not charge you any interest on purchases if you pay your entire balance by the due date each month.
Minimum Interest Charge
If you are charged interest, the charge will be no less than $1.75.
For Credit Card Tips from the
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
To learn more about factors to consider when applying for or using a credit card, visit the website of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau at
Set-up and Maintenance Fees
Annual Fee None
Monthly Fee None
Transaction Fees
Balance Transfer Either $10 or 5% of the amount of each transfer, whichever is greater
Cash Advance Either $5 or 5% of the amount of each cash advance, whichever is greater
Cash Equivalent Either $5 or 5% of the amount of each cash equivalent transaction, whichever is greater
Foreign Transaction 3% of each transaction in U.S. dollars
Penalty Fees
Late Payment Up to $40
Returned Payment (Payment
Up to $35
2% Cash Back Visa Signature
PLEASE NOTE: If you apply for a credit card, you may receive a Platinum Edition
Card, a Visa Signature
Card, or we may decline to open an account for you. Eligibility for card products depends on the
information provided in your application and your credit card history. The card you are approved for will determine your Visa benets.
Cards are issued by First National Bank of Omaha, which is referred to below as “we”, “us”, “our”, and “FNBO
NOTICE TO MARRIED WISCONSIN APPLICANTS: No provision of any marital property agreement, unilateral statement or court decree adversely affects our interests and/or rights unless, prior to the time the credit is
granted or an open-end credit plan is entered into, we are furnished with a copy of the agreement, statement, or decree, or have actual knowledge of the adverse provision. Married Wisconsin residents applying for
credit separately must furnish name and address of their spouse to FNBO at P.O. Box 3437, Omaha, NE 68172-9981.
CALIFORNIA RESIDENTS: The applicant, if married, may apply for a separate account. After credit approval, each applicant shall have the right to use this account to the extent of any credit limit set by the creditor and
each applicant may be liable for all amounts of credit extended under this account to each joint applicant.
NEW YORK RESIDENTS may contact the New York State Department of Financial Services by telephone or visit its website for free information on comparative credit card rates, fees and grace periods. New York State
Department of Financial Services: 1-800-342-3736 and “www.dfs.ny.gov”.
ARBITRATION NOTICE: You understand that any Cardmember Agreement you receive will contain an arbitration provision that may substantially limit your rights in the event of a dispute, including your right to litigate
in court or have a jury trial, discovery and appeal rights, and the right to participate in court or in arbitration as a representative or member of a class action. Please review the Cardmember Agreement and its arbitration
provision carefully before you use or allow someone else to use an account.
The arbitration provision will not apply to you if, at the time your account is opened, you are a covered borrower under the Military Lending Act and U.S. Department of Defense regulations (32 C.F.R. pt. 232). For example,
you would generally be a covered borrower if, at the time your account is opened, you are: (1) a member of the U.S. armed forces on active duty under a call or order not specifying a period of 30 days or less; (2) an active
Guard or Reserve; or (3) a spouse or dependent of a person who qualies under (1) or (2).
POINTS: Points are not earned in the Program until they appear on the Account billing statement. Points may be deducted for awards based on purchases that are subsequently subject to a refund, credit, or dispute, which
could result in a negative point balance. We reserve the right to retroactively correct errors made in point awards. Points will not be earned if the Account cannot be used for new purchases or participation in the Program
has been suspended. If a credit card is reported lost or stolen, we will temporarily suspend our awarding of points in the Program until a new card is issued. At our sole discretion, we may award additional bonus points
in connection with certain purchases and/or promotions. Additional details and additional terms and conditions will be provided with such offers and are in addition to the Program Terms and Conditions unless otherwise
specied therein. We reserve the right to determine which Net Purchases are eligible for bonus points.
NET PURCHASES: “Net Purchases” are authorized, new purchases posted to the Account on or after the Enrollment Date, excluding refunds, credits (for returned merchandise or otherwise), and disputed billing items.
Net Purchases do not include: (a) annual fees, nance charges, and other fees or charges posted by us to the Account; (b) cash advances (including, but not limited to, purchases of money orders or other cash equivalents)
or special check transactions; (c) balance transfers; (d) charges for other products, services, or benets that we provide; or (e) other transactions that we determine not to be eligible.
We reserve the right to determine, in our sole discretion, whether transactions qualify as Net Purchases, and our determinations shall be nal.
CASH BACK: Only points can be used to redeem for cash back, not a combination of points and a credit card. Cash back redemptions are in increments of 2,500 points equaling $25. Cash back in the form of a statement
credit will be applied as a credit to the Account. While cash back in the form of a statement credit will be applied as a credit to the Account, the regular monthly minimum payments shown on the Account billing
statements must still be made.
We are not responsible for replacing lost, stolen, or destroyed checks. Checks that have not been cashed and cleared within 120 days after the issue date will become void and the money received as a Reward will be
credited to the Account as a statement credit.
For all checking and savings account ACH deposit cash back redemptions, the correct account number must be provided in the redemption form in order for the amount requested to be deposited accordingly. If an ACH
deposit is rejected, the redemption will be reversed and the points will be added back to the rewards balance associated with the Account.
REWARDS AND REDEMPTION: Point redemption may be subject to shipping, handling, or other fees. Redemption requests are subject to point balance verication. Upon verication of the point balance, if the Account
does not have enough points to redeem for a particular Reward, some Rewards may be available by redeeming at least 1,000 points toward the Reward and then paying the balance owed for the Reward with a credit
card. If a credit card is reported lost or stolen, the ability to redeem points will be temporarily suspended until a new card is issued.
We may change or terminate the Program in our discretion at any time with or without prior notice to you except where required by law.
Please read this Terms and Conditions Summary for important information about the BucksBack
Rewards Program (“Program”). First National Bank of Omaha, is referred to below as “we”, “us”, “our”, and “FNBO
FNBO is the issuer of the credit card account(s) (“Account”) and the sponsor of the Program. The Program is offered at our sole discretion.
Complete Program Terms and Conditions (including additional limitations and restrictions) will be provided to you if you become an approved cardmember.
ENROLLMENT: To participate in the Program, the Account must be open. The “Enrollment Date” is the date the Account is opened or, if later, the date enrollment in the Program is completed. Program membership will
be automatically renewed each year with the Terms and Conditions and the fees, if any, then in effect, until we are notied that the card is being cancelled or enrollment in the Program is terminated as otherwise permitted
by these Terms and Conditions.
EARN POINTS Earn 2 points (equal to 2% cash back) for each $1.00 of Net Purchases posted to the Account.
ANNUAL PROGRAM FEE There is no annual Program fee. However, please review the “Fees” Section in this Summary of Credit Terms for information on possible annual or monthly set-up and
maintenance fees associated with the Account.
LIMIT ON POINTS EARNED There is no limit on the number of points that can be earned, but if we offer bonus points, we may limit the number of bonus points awarded for certain purchases and/or
POINT EXPIRATION Points are redeemed on a rst-in, rst-out basis and points will expire on or after the third anniversary of when they were awarded (unless applicable law provides otherwise).
POINT FORFEITURE If the Account is closed for any reason, enrollment in the Program will be terminated and any accumulated points will be forfeited (unless applicable law provides otherwise).
POINT REDEMPTION Points can be redeemed for (collectively, the “Rewards”):
• Cash back (in 2,500 point increments equaling $25)
o as a statement credit to the Account,
o an ACH deposit to any checking or savings account (ABA routing number required), or
o as a check sent by mail
• Gift cards/certicates
• Merchandise
• Other goods and services
REDEMPTION REQUESTS Available 24/7 through online access or toll-free customer service during hours of operation; additional information about redemption will be provided if you become a