NEW YORK RESIDENTS may contact the New York State Department of Financial Services by telephone or visit its website for free information on comparative credit card rates, fees and grace periods. New York State
Department of Financial Services: 1-800-342-3736 and “www.dfs.ny.gov”.
ARBITRATION NOTICE: You understand that any Cardmember Agreement you receive will contain an arbitration provision that may substantially limit your rights in the event of a dispute, including your right to litigate
in court or have a jury trial, discovery and appeal rights, and the right to participate in court or in arbitration as a representative or member of a class action. You may request arbitration rules and forms through either or
both of the following arbitration administrators: American Arbitration Association, 1-800-778-7879; and National Arbitration Forum, 1-800-474-2371. Please review the Cardmember Agreement and its arbitration provision
carefully before you use or allow someone else to use an account.
POINTS: Points are not earned in the Credit Card Rewards Program until they appear on the Account billing statement. Points may be deducted for awards based on purchases that are subsequently subject to a refund,
credit, or dispute. We reserve the right to retroactively correct errors made in Point awards. Points will not be earned if the Account cannot be used for new purchases or participation in the Credit Card Rewards Program
has been suspended. If a credit card is reported lost or stolen, we will temporarily suspend our awarding of Points in the Credit Card Rewards Program until a new card is issued. At our sole discretion, we may award
additional bonus Points in connection with certain purchases and/or promotions. Additional details and additional terms and conditions will be provided with such offers and are in addition to the Credit Card Rewards
Program Terms and Conditions unless otherwise specied therein. We reserve the right to determine which Net Purchases are eligible for bonus Points.
NET PURCHASES: “Net Purchases” are authorized, new purchases posted to the Account on or after the Enrollment Date, excluding refunds, credits (for returned merchandise or otherwise), and disputed billing
items. Net Purchases do not include: (a) annual fees, nance charges, and other fees or charges posted by us to the Account; (b) cash advances (including, but not limited to, purchases of money orders or other cash
equivalents) or special check transactions; (c) balance transfers; (d) charges for other products, services, or benets that we provide; or (e) other transactions that we determine not to be eligible. “WebstaurantStore
Purchases” are Net Purchases made only from a participating WebstaurantStore location or through www.webstaurantstore.com.“Ofce Supplies Purchases” are Net Purchases made at any merchant whose
merchant category code (“MCC”) is classied by the payment card industry as “Telecommunication Equipment and Telephone Sales” (MCC 4812), “Special Telecom Merchants” (MCC 4813), “Telecommunication Services”
(MCC 4814), “Computer Network/Information Services” (MCC 4816), “Cable and Other Pay Television” (MCC 4899), “Electric, Gas, Sanitary and Water Utilities” (MCC 4900), “Ofce and Commercial Furniture” (MCC
5021), “Photographic, Photocopy, Microlm Equipment and Supplies” (MCC 5044), “Computer and Computer Peripheral Equipment and Software” (MCC 5045), “Commercial Equipment (not elsewhere classied)” (MCC
5046), “Stationery, Ofce Supplies, Printing, and Writing Paper” (MCC 5111), “Computer Software Stores” (MCC 5734), “Stationery Stores, Ofce and School Supply Stores” (MCC 5943), “Advertising Services” (MCC
7311), “Computer Maintenance and Repair Services (not elsewhere classied)” (MCC 7379), or “Management, Consulting, and Public Relations Services” (MCC 7392).“Gas Purchases” are Net Purchases made at any
merchant whose merchant category code (“MCC”) is classied by the payment card industry as “Service Stations (with or without ancillary services)” (MCC 5541) or “Automated Fuel Dispensers” (MCC 5542). The MCC
is a four-digit code used by the payment card industry to classify a merchant’s primary business. Some merchants may have multiple MCCs (even within the same retail location) and some merchants might be expected
to be classied into one of the MCCs identied above, but they may not be classied as such. This could affect whether purchases made from such merchants will qualify as Ofce Supplies Purchases, Gas Purchases, or
other Net Purchases and, as a result, how many Points will be earned on such transactions. We do not assign MCCs to merchants and we are not responsible for conrming or monitoring the MCC assignments made
by the payment card networks.
We reserve the right to determine, in our sole discretion, whether transactions qualify as WebstaurantStore Purchases, Ofce Supplies Purchases, Gas Purchases, or Net Purchases, and our determinations shall be nal.
BUSINESS ACCOUNTS: A “Business Account” is an Account that you agree to use solely for business purposes in your Cardmember Agreement. A Business Account with multiple cardholders may elect to award and
redeem Points at the company level or to one or more designated individual Accounts. Certain limitations may apply. If you need assistance designating Point awards, please contact Commercial Card Client Servicing at
1-800-652-5741. If this section conicts with any other section of these Terms and Conditions, then this section shall control with respect to Business Accounts.
Please read this Terms and Conditions Summary for important information about the WebstaurantStore Visa
Credit Card for Business Program (the “Credit Card Rewards Program”). First National Bank of Omaha, is
referred to below as “we”, “us”, “our”, and “FNBO
”. FNBO is the issuer of the credit card account(s) (“Account”) and the sponsor of the Credit Card Rewards Program. The Credit Card Rewards Program is offered at
our sole discretion and is dependent on the participation and cooperation of The WebstaurantStore, LLC (referred to as “WebstaurantStore”).
Complete Credit Card Rewards Program Terms and Conditions (including additional limitations and restrictions) will be provided to you if you become an approved cardmember.
Rewards can be earned in two ways: through the WebstaurantStore Program (the “WebstaurantStore Program”) provided and administered by WebstaurantStore and through the Credit Card Rewards Program.
WEBSTAURANTSTORE PROGRAM: WebstaurantStore Program points (“WebstaurantStore Points”) can be earned through the WebstaurantStore Program by establishing a valid WebstaurantStore Program
account (“WebstaurantStore Account”). WebstaurantStore is solely responsible for the rules and administration of the WebstaurantStore Program, which is governed by separate terms and conditions found at www.
webstaurantstore.com. WebstaurantStore Points are redeemable only through the WebstaurantStore Program.
The WebstaurantStore Program may, at WebstaurantStore’s sole discretion, offer additional or promotional opportunities to earn a greater number of WebstaurantStore Points in connection with certain purchases or
promotions. There may be a limit to the number of WebstaurantStore Points that can be earned in connection with such purchases or promotions, and certain exclusions, and limitations, on redemption may apply, as
determined by WebstaurantStore.
CREDIT CARD REWARDS PROGRAM: Credit Card Rewards Program points (“Points”) can be earned in the Credit Card Rewards Program as described in the table below. All Points earned in the Credit Card Rewards
Program will be automatically reported to the WebstaurantStore Program monthly and are redeemable only as WebstaurantStore Points through the WebstaurantStore Program.
Membership in the WebstaurantStore Program is required in order for Points earned in the Credit Card Rewards Program to be reported to the WebstaurantStore Program.You can enroll in the WebstaurantStore
Program at www.webstaurantstore.com. Enrollment in the Credit Card Rewards Program for WebstaurantStore Program members will occur automatically when the Account is opened. The WebstaurantStore Program
membership and WebstaurantStore Account will remain in force in accordance with the terms and conditions of the WebstaurantStore Program, even if an Account is not opened. If enrollment in the WebstaurantStore
Program is terminated or cancelled for any reason, we may terminate enrollment in the Credit Card Rewards Program.
ENROLLMENT: To participate in the Credit Card Rewards Program, the Account must be open, you must have a valid and current WebstaurantStore Account, and you must comply with all terms of the WebstaurantStore
Program. The “Enrollment Date” is the date the Account is opened or, if later, the date enrollment in the Credit Card Rewards Program is completed. Credit Card Rewards Program membership will be automatically
renewed each year with the Terms and Conditions and the fees, if any, then in effect, until we are notied that the card is being cancelled or enrollment in the Credit Card Rewards Program is terminated as otherwise
permitted by these Terms and Conditions.
EARN POINTS Earn 3 Points (equal to 3% cash back) for each $1.00 of WebstaurantStore Purchases posted to the Account.
Earn 2 Points (equal to 2% cash back) for each $1.00 of Ofce Supplies Purchases and Gas Purchases posted to the Account.
Earn 1 Points (equal to 1% cash back) for each $1.00 of Net Purchases posted to the Account that is not from a WebstaurantStore Purchase, Gas Purchase or Ofce Supplies
BONUS EARNINGS In addition to the above, you will earn 5,000 bonus Points after the rst Net Purchase is posted to the Account. Please allow up to 8 weeks after bonus Points are earned for
these bonus Points to be added to your Point balance (Account must be open and enrolled in the Credit Card Rewards Program at that time).
There is no annual Credit Card Rewards Program fee. However, please review the “Fees” Section in this Summary of Credit Terms for information on possible annual or monthly
set-up and maintenance fees associated with the Account.
LIMIT ON POINTS EARNED There is no limit on the number of Points that can be earned, but if we offer bonus Points, we may limit the number of bonus Points awarded for certain purchases and/or
POINT EXPIRATION Please see the WebstaurantStore Program terms and conditions at www.webstaurantstore.com for information regarding expiration, redemption, forfeiture, and other limitations on
WebstaurantStore Points.
POINT FORFEITURE If the Account is closed for any reason, enrollment in the Credit Card Rewards Program will be terminated and any accumulated Points not yet awarded in the Credit Card
Rewards Program may be forfeited.
POINT REDEMPTION Each Point earned in the Credit Card Rewards Program will equate to 1 WebstaurantStore Point, which will be redeemable only through the WebstaurantStore Program.
REDEMPTION REQUESTS Points are redeemable only after they are reported to the WebstaurantStore Program. Please see the WebstaurantStore Program terms and conditions at www.webstaurantstore.
com for information on WebstaurantStore Point redemption.